How it works

What is Jess?
Jess is a web and app based virtual teacher / tutor that leverages cognitive psychology, subject expertise, an engaging conversational style & some humour to ensure deep and lasting learning!

How does Jess teach?

Jess sends daily lessons and quizzes. These bite-sized lessons are automatically delivered to the learner either via:1. A web interface (accessed via any browser) or2. An app (called Jess) which they need to install on their smartphones (available for both iOS and Android)A learner logs into the website or opens the app and is presented with the latest lesson. If the learner is using the app on a mobile device then they are reminded through a notification.The content of the lesson is delivered in an engaging conversational style, where the learner is having a (fun) dialogue with Jess (thus ensuring they are paying attention)
After completing a lesson a learner receives a quiz for that lesson after 24 hours (again announced via a notification on their phone). They must complete the quiz to get the next lesson.So: They get the next lesson -> complete it - > get the quiz -> do the quiz -> get the next lesson - until they reach the end of a topic -> then get the end of topic quiz or modular quiz.

How are the lessons organized?

We divide a subject spec (AQA currently) into modules, modules into topics, and topcis into lessons:AQA Subject Spec -> Modules -> Topics -> LessonsWe:1. Have carefully sequenced the modules, topics and lessons to ensure that a learner always has the required background knowledge to make sense of a lesson.2. Move logically through the spec ensuring that learners see how concepts relate to each other. This means that we may not progress through the spec as it is laid out.Each Lesson has a lesson quiz that is sent 24 hours after the learner completes a lesson.Each Module has an end of module quiz which is sent 24 hours after the learner does the quiz for the last lesson in that module.Each Topic has an end of topic quiz which is sent after the learner completes the last module within topic.There may also be a quarterly quiz that covers all the topics covered in that quarter.

What is the role of teacher / parent?

The teacher/parent assigns her/his class a module that all learners are required to complete by a certain date. Completing a module means taking the end of module quiz.To help them ensure that all learners complete the assigned work, a teacher/parent will be able to see who hasn’t completed the assigned module.Students who have underperformed will also be identified so they can be re-taught.

You mentioned Cognitive Psychology!?

You can read about the cognitive psychology techniques Jess leverages to ensure understanding and long term retention here

How much does Jess cost?

Jess is FREE and we aim to keep it free for everyone, forever!

Built for home learners